Monday, 25 February 2019

Snowfall In Hawaii at Possibly the Lowest Elevation Yet

Historic news has come with a winter storm, as Hawaii State Park is has been hit with snowfall for the first time in recorded history.

It is normal for snow to be seen at the tops of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa which peak at altitudes of summit elevations of 4207m and 4169m respectively, not a mere 1890m, which is about the elevation of Polipoli which has experienced snow.

According to USA today, Chip Fletcher, an earth sciences prof at University of Hawaii, has said "there's no place on the planet where (people) can expect to see conditions as they have seen in the past." Fletcher is also the vice chair of the Honolulu Climate Change Commission.

Hawaii is a dream vacation spot for many especially as a winter getaway, and it is possible that snowfall has not been seen at this elevation before in Hawaii.


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