Sunday, 27 April 2014

Learning from Lichen

Do not forsake the beautiful little details in your life's picture. Make good small decisions every day. Hold the door open for strangers. Write down your dreams. Look for pictures in the clouds. Make a list of kind things people have said or done for you. Forgive people, including yourself. Understand that this moment will never happen again, so take in the details. Learn from mistakes. Encourage to someone every day. Always remember let people know how much they mean to you. Plant a seed, and remember when it rains that it will grow. 

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

51 Green Tips

     Above: On the trail at Belfountain, Ontario

#1. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact flourescent ones (CFLs).
#2. Hang your clothes to dry.
#3. Use cold wash in the laundry to save electricity.
#4. Compost uneaten parts of food.
#5. Car pool instead of taking individual vehicles.
#6. Don't idle in cars.
#7. Use paper that is still Good On One Side ("GOOS").
#8. Use a ceiling fan instead of A/C.
#9. Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use (chargers, too).
#10. Buy local, seasonal foods; it's heathier for you and the rest of the ecosystem.
#11. Don't transport firewood to avoid spreading invasive species.
#12. If looking for a Christmas tree, forego a real tree to reduce the number of trees that are chopped down.
#13. Wear a sweater during colder months instead of turning up the heater.
#14. Take shorter showers and avoid full baths to conserve water.
#15. Plant native plants in a garden to help contribute to your  local ecosystem.
#16. Wear and donate second-hand clothing.
#17. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
#18. Minimize the number of toilet flushes: 'If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.'
#19. See your local municipality's instructions to dispose of batteries properly (dont' throw them in the garbage!)
#20. Avoid using pesticides.
#21. Use vinegar instead of strong chemicals for cleaning.
#22. Participate in litter cleanups, and never litter.
#23. Install a low-flow shower head and/or low-flush toilet.
#24. Walk or bike instead of driving.
#25. Use reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones.
#26. Use reusable containers for food instead of disposable wrappers and packaging.
#27. If you eat eggs or meat, buy free range.
#28. Make it a goal when you shop to only buy what you need.
#29. Eat sustainably raised/caught seafood, including eating only "Dolphin Safe" tuna. (visit for Monterey Bay's Sustainable Seafood Guide)
#30. Try going meatless if you eat meat, even if it's justsometimes (especially cattle).
#31. Recycle electronic/e-waste. (Eg: Drop it off at a local Habitat for Humanity dropoff site)
#32. Try making your own cleaning supplies.
#33. Try making your own makeup/personal hygiene products using natural ingredients. (Try making your own oatmeal facial scrub:
#34. Try to use electronics as long as you can instead of replacing them with newer models.
#35. Avoid palm oil products.
#36. Determine your Ecological Footprint to see where you personally can improve.
#37. Share and borrow things like books and movies.
#38. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones.
#39. Recycle, and get to know your community's recycling guidelines.
#40. Buy shade-grown coffee.
#41. Water gardens and lawns at night to reduce evaporation.
#42. Buy fair trade products.
#43. Spend time in nature; go for a walk or hike and not just see, but hear, smell, and feel the natural world around you.
#44. Use only water when washing your car (no soap) to prevent runoff from polluting local water sources.
#45. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
#46. Keep windows and doors closed when it's very hot or cold outside to conserve energy used for heating/cooling systems.
#47. Remember to turn off your computer when it's not in use.
#48. Don't release balloons outside.
#49. Grow your own organic vegetable garden and harvest your own crops.
#50. Have a bird feeder with food for native bird species.
#51. Try upcycling. For ideas visit

References (for more tips check these pages):