Tuesday 22 April 2014

51 Green Tips

     Above: On the trail at Belfountain, Ontario

#1. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact flourescent ones (CFLs).
#2. Hang your clothes to dry.
#3. Use cold wash in the laundry to save electricity.
#4. Compost uneaten parts of food.
#5. Car pool instead of taking individual vehicles.
#6. Don't idle in cars.
#7. Use paper that is still Good On One Side ("GOOS").
#8. Use a ceiling fan instead of A/C.
#9. Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use (chargers, too).
#10. Buy local, seasonal foods; it's heathier for you and the rest of the ecosystem.
#11. Don't transport firewood to avoid spreading invasive species.
#12. If looking for a Christmas tree, forego a real tree to reduce the number of trees that are chopped down.
#13. Wear a sweater during colder months instead of turning up the heater.
#14. Take shorter showers and avoid full baths to conserve water.
#15. Plant native plants in a garden to help contribute to your  local ecosystem.
#16. Wear and donate second-hand clothing.
#17. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
#18. Minimize the number of toilet flushes: 'If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.'
#19. See your local municipality's instructions to dispose of batteries properly (dont' throw them in the garbage!)
#20. Avoid using pesticides.
#21. Use vinegar instead of strong chemicals for cleaning.
#22. Participate in litter cleanups, and never litter.
#23. Install a low-flow shower head and/or low-flush toilet.
#24. Walk or bike instead of driving.
#25. Use reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones.
#26. Use reusable containers for food instead of disposable wrappers and packaging.
#27. If you eat eggs or meat, buy free range.
#28. Make it a goal when you shop to only buy what you need.
#29. Eat sustainably raised/caught seafood, including eating only "Dolphin Safe" tuna. (visit seafoodwatch.org for Monterey Bay's Sustainable Seafood Guide)
#30. Try going meatless if you eat meat, even if it's justsometimes (especially cattle).
#31. Recycle electronic/e-waste. (Eg: Drop it off at a local Habitat for Humanity dropoff site)
#32. Try making your own cleaning supplies.
#33. Try making your own makeup/personal hygiene products using natural ingredients. (Try making your own oatmeal facial scrub: http://naturenimbus.blogspot.ca/2013/05/a-natural-alternative-to-benzoyl.html)
#34. Try to use electronics as long as you can instead of replacing them with newer models.
#35. Avoid palm oil products.
#36. Determine your Ecological Footprint to see where you personally can improve.
#37. Share and borrow things like books and movies.
#38. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones.
#39. Recycle, and get to know your community's recycling guidelines.
#40. Buy shade-grown coffee.
#41. Water gardens and lawns at night to reduce evaporation.
#42. Buy fair trade products.
#43. Spend time in nature; go for a walk or hike and not just see, but hear, smell, and feel the natural world around you.
#44. Use only water when washing your car (no soap) to prevent runoff from polluting local water sources.
#45. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
#46. Keep windows and doors closed when it's very hot or cold outside to conserve energy used for heating/cooling systems.
#47. Remember to turn off your computer when it's not in use.
#48. Don't release balloons outside.
#49. Grow your own organic vegetable garden and harvest your own crops.
#50. Have a bird feeder with food for native bird species.
#51. Try upcycling. For ideas visit http://www.pinterest.com/savvyb/upcycle-and-repurpose-ideas/

References (for more tips check these pages):

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