Published May 27, 2016
Choosing courses. Students... relate to the love-hate feeling for it?
This morning I did a bit of research and found out that a college I was considering is not accredited, which means the only benefit is personal development. Their environmental course actually sounds very well-rounded and personally appealing, but not so sure if it's enough. (ie: if a company has a policy that you must have a diploma to be hired no matter how much they love you at an interview, this diploma wouldn't count).
Until the third grade I was home-schooled and thrived in an open-ended classroom where I could work alone and at my own pace, completely absorbed in one subject as long as everything got done. It was pretty awesome when science and art, or history and creative writing turned out to be the same class.
A lot of students-to-be can relate.
I found another one online that is accredited, but it just didn't spark that gut feeling of "I want to take this". It's focus is on more concrete details, measuring, and technical equipment (though there's some pretty cool outdoorsy stuff where it looks like you should be wearing local camo onesies)
Measurements are definitely important, but I'd also like to develop something more social. Both sides of teh coin are important to progress past studying things so that someone can figure out how the maximum damage they can get away with, versus proactively reaching for the goal of minimizing damage, and reaching out for our greatest potential for sustainability.
The two most common pieces of advice I get from older people are: 1) Work hard to get a job that pays well, and 2) Do what you love.
The two most common pieces of advice I get from older people are: 1) Work hard to get a job that pays well, and 2) Do what you love.
The profit I want to push is how much clean air, water, and vital habitats we can have. I'm looking for a financial income that can support a meaningful and modest life, and an outcome of doing the best I can to support the plan I am a part of, with a commission of fresh air to breath and clean water to drink.
Students, how is your course-hunting going? It has been a quiet day but feel free to share thoughts and personal experiences in the comments.