Thursday, 31 December 2015

Sky Candy

Good evening all, and last evening of 2015!  For the last post of the year I thought maybe some sky-candy would be a nice wrap-up. Do you recognize any of the cloud types below by name?

Again apologies for the lack of posts and overflow of photos (more quality science posts are soon to come) but here's a small reminder of one the natural highlights throughout the winter months... cloudwatching! Warm colours of winter sunsets against icy landscapes here in Ontario leave not only vibrant colours, but also potentially sun pillars to keep an eye out for. (click the link to learn more about this natural phenomenon)

Have a happy and safe start to the new year :)

(One on the left look familiar?)

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Algonquin Park 2015

After much waiting and attempts at getting photos off a hard-to-crack device, here is a link to an album of photos from Algonquin Park this August.


We had a fantastic time and over the next few days I'll be updating this photo journal (which still does not have identifiable faces, but maybe we'll get to that point eventually).

Saturday, 30 May 2015

What Will You Do?

Whether it be about environment, poverty, social injustice, or another issue, one of the worst feelings at the end of many documentaries is this feeling of "now what?" Let me explain.

The term 'informed citizen' is a relatively common term. In school that was a term used a lot in the social science departments. I remember at least two first-day classes where the teachers asked something like "how many of you actually read the newspaper on a regular basis, and not just the comics?"

Some have pointed out how memes like this suggest
that people in third world countries never have these
'problems',  when that is not necessarily true. However, 
the purpose seems to be more to point out how small many
common inconveniences really are in an amusing way.
What the teacher was probably getting at was having a big-picture perspective. When we are an informed citizen and are aware of the bigger picture, it's easier to appreciate what we have and increased appreciation for what we do have and not take things for granted.

While that brings some personal benefit, reading about what happened in the news or seeing it in a documentary doesn't change the problem. When we are personally touched, empathizing and feeling for the issues we hear about, the best thing we can do is take action. Allowing both your mind and heart to be affected is what brings changes, even if small.

On a personal level, after a few years of involvement in school clubs and environmental education, I became a little disenchanted for a while with certain parts of the environmental movement. In both of those classes on the first day it was a bit of a rainy day and the cool, basement classroom with cracks in the walls still smelled like geography, but didn't feel like it any more, if that makes any sense. Everything seemed to become so technical, always a matter of measuring and predicting, budgeting and diplomacy. You can have all the facts and figures you want but if people don't care then what difference does it make?

Sometimes reading the comics can give you something that the article didn't.
I'll admit that this is laced with some remaining bitterness that I am fighting one step at a time (the same way we make any sort of progress), and it's is kind hard to express. The purpose is certainly not to diminish the value of keeping up with world events or having knowledge of people and cultures and things outside of our own bubble, because that is very important too. What I do mean to say is that head knowledge is not enough, but being moved to act is what will help.

Hearing a fire alarm is not enough. Knowing what the fire alarm means is not enough. It's getting out of the building or fighting the fire that gives you a chance. In the case of most humans and other living things caught in the midst of a global issue, a calm and orderly exit is not a viable option.  Despite the daunting  messes humanity finds itself in time and time again, there are still people who care and even if taking that small step can't save the world, it can still help make a difference in someone's life.

There is something amazing about the way children look at nature. The wonder of watching dandelion seeds drift away from your breath, seeing the wings of a dragonfly glint in the sunshine, hearing not only the call in a bird's voice but a song. That it powerful, motivating, and makes us happy. Science is generally associated with words like 'logic', 'left-brained' and 'facts', but that doesn't mean you have to ignore the part of you that loves nature from the heart in order to explore or save it.

Opening up to hope or anything else can be very hard. Making yourself vulnerable to disappointment and the judgement of others such as those who say 'be realistic' is hard; recovering from being someone who said 'be realistic' is hard, but even if the difference is small allowing yourself to hope and to give the benefit of the doubt to a perfect stranger can make you and them a better person.

Carry a better world inside of you and let it come out through your eyes and words and actions. See the world and see people for a positive potential and your eyes will be more beautiful. Base your actions on those ideals and you will have a more beautiful life. Potential isn't something that is already there, but seeing it means being willing to make yourself vulnerable and though it won't always work it still makes a difference.

As a kid once my mom and I went to the closing of a Laura Secord shop and they had a little Chicken Soup for the Soul book which contained a memorable story. Here is a variation of Loren Eisley's The Starfish Story:
     One windy morning a man was was taking a walk across a beach that was littered with thousands of starfish.
     Along the way he saw a boy stooping picking up starfish and throwing them back into the water to save them from the heat of the sun. 
     "There are thousands of starfish," the man said to the boy, "it won't make a difference."
     The boy picked up another starfish and threw it into the water and  said, "It made a difference to that one!"

We won't always save the world, but a big difference is made up of many small changes the same way a long journey is crosses with many small steps.

It is worth it.

After being informed of something through a newspaper article or thinking 'now what?' after a documentary, you don't have to go numb so as not to be overcome by anxiety. Worry less about what we can't do and focus about what we will do.

(p.s. If you're kind of feeling like that right now, here is a link to an older post with a collection of practical green tips. 
... Put together many steps will go a long way!)

Friday, 3 April 2015

Next Lunar Eclipse Is Less Than 13 Hours Away!

This is just a reminder that the next lunar eclipse visible from Earth is happening in less than thirteen hours. Click here to find out when it will be visible from your location ( 

From either a scientific or artistic point of view, this is an exciting event that has captivated the eyes of skywatchers in different civilizations for centuries and will be the third of a tetrad ( This will also be the shortest lunar eclipse of the century so there's no time for a snooze if you're in an early-morning region.

This is one of those special occasions when being down on Earth is one of the most inspiring places you could be.


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Picking the Right Fish in the Sea: Selecting Sustainable Seafood

For generations the  ocean has been both a source of awe
and inspiration as well as physical needs. 
Have you ever had the chance to watch a wave from the ocean roll onto the shore? Somewhere beyond the horizon and farther than you can see, all the right motions started that wave, and you can only imagine all the life and stones and forgotten wrecks that it passed over on its journey.

Sushi is a personal family favourite for making and eating,
but the imitation crab should be selected carefully.
The vast blue seas have long been a source of awe, inspiration, and resources for humans, but as with anything, unsustainable human activity can have serious consequences to marine wildlife and ecosystems (and by inevitable extension, to humans). While the practices place direct impacts on marine ecosystems, consumers have the power the either fuel that damage or reduce it back based on where we spend money.

If you are vegetarian or vegan than you have already eliminated that problem entirely in your case, but for fellow fish-eaters, some organizations have developed research tools to help select the right fish in the sea (for your plate).

Some people reading this may have stopped with the thought, "what about the wellbeing of the people who rely on fishing as a livelihood?" This is a valid concern regardless of how or what they catch. However, if the marine ecosystem collapses then the same fish populations they must draw from will be adversely affected as well as other species that are connected to it. Put simply: Hurt the fish, no fish to catch, no fish to sell, and no fish to eat.

Many people have depended on fishing for generations, but with changes in technology and fishing methods what once was a sustainable tradition has gone sadly overboard in many cases. It is for the long-term benefit of both humans and wildlife that we make more sustainable choices. 

"When the last tree has been cut, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money." - Native American Saying (source:

There are a number of online resources but here are a few that I have found to be particularly helpful which evaluate seafoods based on when, how, and what is being caught relative to sustainability. When using these to compare fish and other seafood products remember to check for the specific species, where it came from, and the method (eg. troll, wild, farmed)

Sea Choice ( is a nice and full online database with lots of straight-to-the-point charts. If you search something like "tuna" it is easy to compare various options all side-by-side, and if you would like more details you can click on the specific name.

This database is extensive and has easy-to-compare charts for comparing different variants which is good because one detail can make all the difference between 'good choice' and 'stay away'. When researching something like 'tuna' which renders a long list of results, the search function (control+F on Windows) can be very useful in highlighting specific criteria when evaluating a specific product.

Sea choice was also sourced for David Suzuki's Top 10 Sustainable Seafood Picks ( From the graphics to immediately listing "Ask For" and "Avoid" for each type, I love the intuitive layout of this list. It immediateky addresses questions people will probably have and this flow continues under "More>>" which includes not only cooking information and a recipe but things to learn about the animal itself.

Although it may not feel good to think about how the animal your are eating was once alive, it can encourage respect. Learning about the species as wildlife including the way it once looked and the things it would have done can help encourage deeper respect and appreciation for it.

Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch ( is another online database which like Sea Choice includes important details. Although details are not always given immediately, the strength of this one lies in the portability of a free app which does not require wi-fi once updates are downloaded (great for grocery shopping), and printable guides.  California rolls are a family favourite in our house for eating and a benefit when we make our own is being able to be more aware of the source of fish we use in it and make choices accordingly. If you like sushi, the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch also has a sushi guide.

If you're interested in reading more about sustainable eating, here is an older post with a few more tips(

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Pre-Spring Navigation Updates

Spring is approaching fast and it has been a while since my last NatureNimbus post but it has been even longer since my last Project Noah one so I added some of those and this is just an update.

Project Noah is a website where citizen scientists around the globe can share original photos of wildlife including plants, animals, fungi and 'other', comment and favourite photos, and help fellow nature-lovers identify certain species. It is a great online community with lots of experts, so if your're looking for a place to browse share, and learn about wildlife, Project Noah just may be the thing you're looking for.

You can browse my recent posts by clicking on "Project Noah" at the top of the page in the navigation section under the site name, and here's a sneak peek to a few more that I will be posting next:

     You also may have noticed the new "Lunar-Winds" links as well. Not too long ago I started another blog  for more personal and artsy stuff, Lunar-Winds, but even if less frequent the science-related posts will continue here here on Nature Nimbus. 
     Until next time!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Two Sides of Illegal Hunting Parts 3A & 3B: Personal Reflection & Conclusion

(Note: This is the final part of the series Two Sides of Illegal Hunting which explores both sides of the issue of illegal hunting. Parts 1A and 1B introduce with reasons to explain why illegal hunting happens, and parts 2A and 2B will feature consequences and reasons against it. A third section, an informal reflection, is also included. Links to the full series can he found here:

Sentience & Personal Reflection (Informal Addition)

This section was not included in the original essay as it was a technical written assignment but it is incomplete without it. A large part of me resents the technical nature of this series as well as other pieces I have written because the heart of most environmental debates and conflicts transcend individual facts and statistics but deal with the value of life and the situation as a whole. Economy is a linear system built on numbers and the number of births and deaths may leave you with a population count, but we don't have a unit to quantify sentience or the value of a life. We may not know how to measure everything, but in nature everything has a purpose regardless of whether or not it was measured and by ignoring intuitive aspects without statistics an argument is made more one-dimensional and leaves holes because some things don't feel right for a reason.

As mentioned in the outset, I believe just because something is legal that doesn't make it okay, and therefore just because something is illegal that does not make the action itself inherently wrong. Looking at this in a technical way we are list of numbers, and unfortunately because greed is a feeling that can assign itself a number that feeling often sneaks in with the title of a reason while things such as care are dismissed.
Some may argue that feelings are not reasons, but often they lead us to reasons we just didn't see yet and just because they can't be measured that doesn't mean they don't have an effect. Seeing issues based solely on statistics versus choosing to not dismiss intuitive direction means the difference between seeing the world in a series of shades on a single scale and seeing it in colour, but it can only work if we are willing and able to see the entire spectrum. Although we may not have a unit of measurement that we can use to compare one person's argument with another or even the ability to match the will to know and take into account all the facts, but that is where empathy comes in.

As sentient beings, animals are capable of experiencing pain and suffering. Elephants have even been known to hold a grudge, remember acts of kindness and pass that on to others, but none of their population statistics showed that. Numbers showing money made by poachers did not show if the motive was to feed a family or if it was a trafficker or someone's greed and desire for luxuries. Neither of the statistics showed the loss families suffered because of the greed of others, or the way elephants mourn for their own dead.

We may not be able to know all the facts, but when we accept that and make up for it in empathy and a view of the bigger picture, it becomes more clear.

Personal Opinion (formal) and Conclusion

The effects of illegal hunting extend both to wildlife and the ecosystem as a whole, including humans. I do not think it is not justifiable to kill for aesthetics or out of greed, and though it is more understandable when it is done out of poverty and genuine need markets are fueled by consumer demand, and it is important to help find people in those situations alternative ways of making a living. Every reason to justify illegal hunting is also a reason against it, because unsustainable practices not only destroy natural heritage but eventually will eliminate the resource entirely in an example of “tragedy of the commons”. Although hunting out of need is the most valid argument, eventually unsustainable practices still come back to us and other living things because are all part of the ecosystem. Cultural preservation should come second to life and sustainable ecosystems, because that is the natural heritage of every living thing on this planet.

The justifications are subjective and involve many other influencing factors; the consequences however, are absolute and can be applied to any unsustainable hunting practices on a wide scale, legal or not. The reasons behind preserving wildlife such as respect for life and maintaining the health of ecosystems that we all share. From either a biocentric or anthropocentric standpoint, it is clear from the first law of ecology that “everything is connected to everything else”, that our well being is tied to that of wildlife, and it is vital that we make the health of the ecosystem we all share priority.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Two Sides of Illegal Hunting Part 2B: Loss to Biodiversity & Ecosystems

(Note: This is part 2B of the series Two Sides of Illegal Hunting which explores both sides of the issue of illegal hunting. Parts 1A and 1B introduce with reasons to explain why illegal hunting happens, and parts 2A and 2B will feature consequences and reasons against it. A third section, an informal reflection, will also be included. Links to the full series can he found here:

Loss To Biodiversity & Ecosystems

History has proven multiple times that the threat of extinction for species that are over-hunted is warranted; in conjunction with other environmental threats such as loss of habitat, humans have caused losses to our planet’s biodiversity. The dodo bird is a well-known animal that was brought to extinction because of overhunting by humans. Dodo birds’ lack of flight and fear made them vulnerable to human hunters, leading to their extinction in the mid-to-late 17th century, despite only being discovered in 1581 (Czartoryski, 2011). Without regulations set in place and abided by to limit the killing of birds, they were wiped out due to overhunting, leaving the details of their species lost in history. But even if regulations are set in place, if they are not followed dire consequences are bound to occur.

By extension illegal hunting also affects all other life in the ecosystem by extension and without limit, affecting other species whose survival depends on the other, or which is controlled by the other. Studies showed that the poaching of tropical birds and mammals for bushmeat “can cause zoochorous trees to suffer from reduced seed dispersal.... Recent and ongoing extirpations of vertebrates in many tropical forests could be creating an extinction debt for zoochorous trees whose vulnerability is belied by their current abundance.” (Brodie, 2009). Because of interdependency within an ecosystem, an effect on one population may also inadvertently affect other species.

As mentioned previously, tigers are becoming more rare due to poaching and habitat destruction. About a century ago there were about 100 000 tigers in the wild, but many have now there may be as few as 3 300, putting them at risk of extinction (World Wildlife Fund). Similarly, despite African elephants’ vulnerable state and protection by law, National Geographic’s Investigative report from 2012 showed that in 2011 poaching levels were the peak of the decade. That same year, in Central Africa more than half of all elephants found dead were illegally killed (Environmental Investigation Agency, Petitioner International Rhino Foundation, Petitioner, June 2014) and because of declining populations they are currently a vulnerable species and more and more of their lives are brought to an end by poachers to take their tusks, diminishing biodiversity (Blanc, J. et al. 2008). The range for African elephants already diminishes with an expanding human population, and with both habitat loss and hunting, the estimated population of African elephants went from 1.3 million elephants in 1979, to 472 000-690 000 in 2007. The slaughter of elephants for their tusks extends beyond Africa, also into different countries in Asia including China where 90 600 pounds of ivory was seized from 1989-2011, and the amount of seized ivory to measure killings only represent a portion of elephants slaughtered for their tusks. This loss of life also affects other parts of the ecosystem which elephants are a part of. As mentioned previously, Countless animals have been affected by unsustainable human activity, and not adhering to hunting regulations threatens the very existence of entire species.

Sources (for this part only)
Brodie, Jedediah. "Bushmeat poaching reduces the seed dispersal and population growth rate of a mammal-dispersed tree.." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 2 June 2014. <>.
Czartoryski, Alex . "Hunter Safety Blog |" 10 Animals Hunted (or Nearly Hunted) To Extinction «. N.p., 24 Aug. 2011. Web. 23 May 2014.
Blanc, J.J.; Barnes, R.F.W.; Craig, G.C.; Dublin, H.T.; Thouless, C.R., Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Hart, J.A.. African Elephant Status Report 2007.
Environmental Investigation Agency, Petitioner International Rhino Foundation, Petitioner, Petition to Certify Mozambique as Diminishing the Effectiveness of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). (June 2014).
. Retrieved February 2, 2015, from

Monday, 2 February 2015

Two Sides of Illegal Hunting Part 2A: Tourism

(Note: This is part 2A of the series Two Sides of Illegal Hunting which explores both sides of the issue of illegal hunting. Parts 1A and 1B introduce with reasons to explain why illegal hunting happens, and parts 2A and 2B will feature consequences and reasons against it. A third section, an informal reflection, will also be included. Links to the full series can he found here:

Reasons Against Illegal Hunting: Tourism

Sometimes there is a conflict of interest in terms of economic benefit versus the protection of nature, but tourism is an industry that often depends on local wildlife. Ecotourism has become a popular choice for many tourists, and popular activities such as Safaris has provided an additional economic incentive to preserve wildlife. A “trophy-hunted” elephant may be sold for $4 000 to $20 000, with the often-forgotten cost of the rest of the elephant’s life, which may be as long as 60 years or more in the wild*. However, throughout an African elephant’s life free in its natural habitat, it may produce a revenue of $1 million distributed along different aspects of the tourism industry, including travel agencies as well as the local economy (Animal Welfare Institute, 1983). People are naturally attracted to beauty found in nature, and will often choose to spend their money to see animals in their natural environment, especially rare, endangered, or vulnerable ones like African elephants. Similarly, according to Lee Durrell’s State of the Ark (1986), a hunted lion may be sold for up to $8 500, but a mature male lion living in the wild may attract $500 000 in tourism revenue (Animal Welfare Institute). The tourism industry is an important part of some countries’ income, as well.

The money gained from tourism can be put towards the local community as well, reducing the need for illegal hunting by providing employment and by extension greater degree of social empowerment. This is exemplified by the fact that in 2011 “tourism accounted directly or indirectly for one in every 20 jobs in Sub Saharan Africa in 2011, and is one of the few industries on the continent in which women are well represented as employees and managers” (World Bank, 2013). Often there are conflicting opinions on the value of money weighed against the value of life*, however even if the unit of measurement is in dollars, these animals are still worth more alive in their natural habitat than dead on the blackmarket.
* The nontechnical aspect in part 3 (the final part) will elaborate on this point.

Sources (For Part 2A only)
Animal Welfare Institute. "Trophy Hunting vs. Ecotourism Revenues Endangered Species Handbook." Endangered Species Handbook. N.p., n.d.[1983?] Web. 2 June 2014. 
Durrell, Lee. State of the Ark1986. Web. Sept 2013.
World Bank News. "Africa's Tourism Set to Boost Economic Growth, Create New Jobs, and Now Outpace Other Regions for New Tourism Investment." World Bank News. N.p., 3 
September 2013. Web. 2 June 2014. <>.